Special Life

Alessandro has Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities since birth, he is 43 years old and lives in Rome with his parents, Angelo and Ada, who take care of him. His pathology is manifested by a compromised global skill: cognitive, language, physically and social.
Alessandro spends his time in so many ludic activities, recreational and educational, supported by ong and onlus that are important point of reference for him and his parents, Ada and Angelo.
In order to break the loop events that are likely to make his time as if it were motionless, Alessandro accepted the proposal to work in a coffee bar. This summer he received his first salary, and do the backing vocalist in a musical group: “the Disabilié” happy at the first opportunity to perform in front of an audience.
He spend his weekend walking in his neighborhood, where he is talking easily in conversation with her friends, and read the newspaper. His favorite topics are football and food. When he meets you, he shakes your hand, perhaps giving you a kiss, and certainly he asks you what you eaten.
Alessandro has a strong temperament, he is often smiling, looking happy.